Back to School On A Budget
If you are getting prepared to go back to school, we all know what that entails. Money. And lots of it. No matter the size of the family, getting ready for school can be expensive for everyone. So get ready, because here are some back-to-school tips and tricks to help you with expenses this school year. 1. Inventory If you want to save on kids supplies for back-to-school, you need to first look at the items you already have on-hand. Look through the back-to-school supply list and determine what you really need to buy vs. what you already have and can reuse. We are all guilty of just throwing things away, but keeping up with the extra supplies that your kids didn’t use the year before can save you some serious cash. 2. Talk to the teacher Teachers are our best friends and they need help with their classroom too! If you can’t buy the three sets of GermX with the three sets of tissues and the five packs of papers, check with the teacher to see what he ...