Tips To Help You Reduce Debt And Pay It Off For Good
America Saves Week is February 21-25, 2022 and America Saves has written articles to help you reach your financial goals. Below are tips to help you reduce your debt so you can pay it off for good. Debt is a great contributor to stress. If you're having a tough time financially, it can feel isolating, but the truth is 80% of Americans have consumer debt! The only way to relieve financial stress is to make a plan and work your way through it. But to make that plan, you'll need to understand the type of debt you have, your best-case scenario to pay down your debt, and how to leverage your knowledge so that you can maintain or increase your credit score. GET A CLEAR VIEW OF YOUR FINANCES When you know your exact income and expenses, you can better steward the discretionary income left over after your bills are paid. It will become easier for you to decide how much to spend, if you can put more toward debt, what goes into savings, and whether to begin making investments....