Downsizing Tips for Empty Nesters

If all of your kids have gone to college, living on their own, or started their own family, you are now considered an empty nester. Though a little bit sad, you can make the most of it! Downsizing is a big step for empty nesters, but it can save you a lot of money that you can use for other things like trips with your partner or family vacations every now and then. Read on for some downsizing tips for empty nesters. 1. Let go of items you don't need anymore. If you're moving to a smaller house, townhome, or apartment, you are going to need to downsize. Gather your kids, if you can, to help you sift through the items in your house and let them keep the things they want. If there is something of sentimental value you would like for them to keep, now is a great opportunity to do so. When you're going through your belongings, it's hard to want to get rid of things. Keep in mind this rule of t...