What You Actually Need to Pack for College

College packing lists are everywhere online. Lots of blogs will tell you to bring everything you can possibly think of, but the truth of the matter is that your child will probably not use everything you bought them. That is money and space wasted. This college packing list lists some the most important dorm items your child will need to get them started on their college journey.

  • Bed linens, mattress pads, comforter, and blankets.
    • College beds are really uncomfortable. To make the room feel like home, make sure to make the bed as comfortable as possible using mattress pads and comforters. No one wants to lose sleep because their bed is uncomfortable!
  • Two sets of bath towels, washcloths, hand towels, and a beach towel.
  • Storage Units.
    • Small storage units that can fit in small spaces are very helpful. Your child can use this as extra storage to keep their small dorm room organized.
  • Area rug, futon, or beanbag can make a room feel cozy!
  • First Aid Kit
    • We are all about safety first and being prepared for any possible scenario! When your child gets sick, they’re not going to want to go to the drug store or grocery store to pick up medicine. Build them a first aid kit and fill it with: Band-Aids, Neosporin, rubbing alcohol, cotton pads/cotton balls, Advil/ Ibuprofen, and cold medicine. Trust me, they will thank you later.
  • Toiletries and shower caddy
  • Brita water pitcher, small fridge, reusable water bottle.
    •  Buying a Brita pitcher and refilling this instead will help reduce plastic waste and it makes it easier for your child to stay hydrated. A mini fridge is also a must!
  • School supplies!
    •  School supplies are the most important things your child should have. Here are a couple of things to have:
      • Mechanical pencils
      • Pens
      • Highlighters
      • Notebooks
      • Binders (or if you want to go paperless, an iPad that fits your budget)
      • Computer and power cord
  • Rain gear. Especially in the south!
    • We are all very aware that the weather down here can be really unpredictable. No one wants to be caught in the middle of a thunderstorm without a rain jacket or rain boots! Make sure to pack some rain gear to be prepared. 
  • Cleaning Supplies
    • A small broom and a Swiffer mop are essential to keeping the dorm room clean. A Swiffer duster, some Clorox wipes, Lysol, and hand sanitizer should also be in your cleaning kit. 

This list is to help you get started. Comfort, cleanliness, and being prepared is always good when going to college. You can get started with this list and add more items you think are necessary, or add decorative items! At then end of the day, the dorm room is supposed to feel like home.

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