Surviving Family Road Trips

Are you planning a family road trip this holiday season? Family road trips are fun because it means quality time with your loved ones. However, they can also be stressful when you don't plan accordingly and something goes wrong. We want you to enjoy your family vacations when you choose this affordable way of road tripping so we've gathered some tips that can help you and your family survive a family road trip.

1. Safety Check
You cannot leave for your destination without first conducting a safety check on your RV. Check the engine and tires. Make sure there aren't any leaks and the gas tank is full. Performing safety checks before you leave can save you the stress of breaking down in the middle of nowhere. Also, leave your travel details with someone you trust like your mother, father, sister, brother, etc. in case of an emergency. Always be in touch with this appointed person so they know you and your family are doing well.

2. Plan Your Route
Before you leave for your trip, make sure you've planned out your trip accordingly. This means making sure the GPS you're using is ideal for RV travel, and that you know where all the important stops are. You always want to be paying attention to the road, specially when you're hauling a heavy RV with you, so planning your route and having a reliable GPS is essential.

3. Plan Your Meals
Stopping at the nearest fast food place seems convenient during any family road trip, however, these are not healthy and will make you and your kids cranky throughout the trip. You can enjoy fast food from time to time, but stopping to enjoy a healthy snack is ideal. Plan your meals at home and pack them in reusable containers that you can freeze or refrigerate in your RV. Take these out when it's dinner time and save yourself the stress of having to grocery shop at every campsite. If you can cook it at home, you can cook it in an RV grill.

4. Fill Your Gas Tank Often
This is very important: DO NOT let your gas tank go below half throughout your trip. Letting your tank get below half is risky since you will most likely be travelling through rural areas where a gas station is hard to come by. Breaking down because of a lack of gas is dangerous and can put a hamper on your trip.

5. Don't Drive at Night
Driving at night seems ideal because there is less traffic and you can get to your destination faster. While this may seem like a good idea, driving when you're tired is not the safest thing to do. Not only that, but you have less visibility at night and could potentially cause an accident trying to avoid the wildlife that come out at night. Make sure you stop when you're tired and sleep it off. It's better to drive refreshed than tired. That is why we suggest you give yourself extra time.

6. Give Yourself Extra Time
When you give yourself at least 1-2 days before and after your trip, you can avoid the stress of "being on time." We all know it's naïve to think that we'll make it to our destination at the time the GPS says. Giving yourself 1-2 days extra allows you to stop at night to rest and explore the different sights your route has to offer, not only that, it's the safer way to travel because you're not rushing.

7. Entertainment 
We understand you want your children to have a fun time and learn new things. However, you can do that while also letting them enjoy the things they like! Make sure you pack lots of their favorite games to play at night in the RV. You can also allow them to have some extra screen time while you guys are driving so they're not bored. We know this defeats the purpose of a family vacation, but focusing on the road is important and your children can distract you if they're bored. 

8. Don't Overload Your Schedule
The point of a family road trip is to explore and enjoy the new sceneries around you. However, sometimes you can overload your schedule and your children won't be happy. Make sure you schedule some free time so your kids can explore and see new things for themselves. You want to make sure your kids are learning, but sometimes letting them explore on their own is a form of learning! Children pick up new things in different ways, so going to museums every day gets boring for them. 

9. Enjoy It!
At the end of the day we take vacations to relax and enjoy new things, and if you're not enjoying your family vacation, you're doing it wrong! Your vacation starts when you get in your car, not when you arrive to your destination. Use that time in the car to explore new sights and non-touristy spots to make your trip more enjoyable.  

Are you looking for a more affordable way to travel? We offer RV Loans that can help you get started on your journey to a fun filled family road trip! 

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