College Move-In Tips You Didn’t Know You Needed

Moving into college is nerve-wrecking for both the parents and the children. It's a day filled with many emotions and stress. If you are not prepared for the trip to campus, or if you haven’t packed the necessities, your day may be stressful before it even begins! Lucky for you, we’ve gathered some helpful tips to prepare you for one of the most important days of your child’s life.

1. Cleaning Supplies Are a Must
Let’s be honest, dorm rooms lay empty for many months before students move in. They get dusty and dead bugs are ever so present on windowsills and corners. So a cleaning kit is very essential when you move into college. Include Clorox wipes, paper towels, wet and dry Swiffer pads to clean the floor, and some Lysol. Life after COVID has made us hyper aware of germs that live on every surface, so cleaning before you move in is helpful to make sure you stay healthy!

2. Tool Kits Will Save Your Life
A tool kit is one of the most essential things you need. A hammer and screwdriver in one is very helpful when you least expect it! If you need to hammer something together or you need a screwdriver, this two in one tool will save your life. Zip ties are great to keep those electrical cords organized as well. To make sure you don’t forget these very essential items, packing them together and putting them in the car before you make the trip is always a good idea.

3. Storage Bins Are Essential
Bringing storage bins is a smart idea. You can use these to stay organized on the move, and they also serve as extra storage throughout the year. Make sure you label the bins and pack like items together to make the unpacking process easier.

4. Coordinate With Your Roomate & Arrive Early
Make sure to contact your roommate and coordinate with them. Plan to move in at separate times so that it’s not too crowded when moving in, because we all know those dorm rooms are TINY. Arrive early to be able to use elevators or avoid the foot traffic. Or you can arrive around noon since most people will be moved in and eating lunch with their families. Either way, having a plan about when you will move in will make the process so much better.

5. Plan Ahead!
Make sure you have a packing list long before you move into your dorm room. Pack everything ahead of time and make sure to load it into the car the night before, so you're ready to hit the road in the morning. Being prepared and planning ahead is always key to having a successful move-in day! Check out our What You Actually Need to Pack for College blog to give you an idea of what you might need.

If you need a little extra help buying supplies to furnish your dorm room, check out our Personal Loans.

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